Mandarin Chinese 3: Chinese for Beginners

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Acerca de este curso

  • Lesson 11 Wǒ xiǎnɡ jiè jǐ běn Hànyǔ shū 我想借几本汉语书 I want to borrow some Chinese books Part 1
    • (Please start this module after completing Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for beginners or having corresponding proficiency level)Learning the expressions related to the library; Learning how to express capability and possibility
  • Lesson 11 Wǒ xiǎnɡ jiè jǐ běn Hànyǔ shū 我想借几本汉语书 I want to borrow some Chinese books Part 2
    • Learning the expressions related to the library; Learning how to express capability and possibility
  • Lesson 12 Wǒ xiǎnɡ huàn Rénmínbì 我想换人民币 I would like to exchange for RMB Part 1
    • Learning the expressions related to the bank; Learning how to express big numbers
  • Lesson 12 Wǒ xiǎnɡ huàn Rénmínbì 我想换人民币 I would like to exchange for RMB Part 2
    • Learning the expressions related to the bank; Learning how to express big numbers
  • Lesson 13 Qǐnɡ bǎ zhuōzi shōushi yíxiàr 请把桌子收拾一下儿 Please clear the table Part 1
    • Learning the expressions for housework; Learning the “bǎ” sentence
  • Lesson 13 Qǐnɡ bǎ zhuōzi shōushi yíxiàr 请把桌子收拾一下儿 Please clear the table Part 2
    • Learning the expressions for housework; Learning the “bǎ” sentence
  • Lesson 14 Wǒ xiǎnɡ qù lǚyóu 我想去旅游 I want to take a trip Part 1
    • Learning the expressions related to travel; Learning how to talk about travel plans
  • Lesson 14 Wǒ xiǎnɡ qù lǚyóu 我想去旅游 I want to take a trip Part 2
    • Learning the expressions for housework; Learning the “bǎ” sentence
  • Lesson 15 Wǒ xiǎnɡ dìnɡ yì zhānɡ jīpiào 我想订一张机票 I want to book a flight ticket Part 1
    • Learning how to book flight tickets and hotel rooms; Learning the expressions used in the airport
  • Lesson 15 Wǒ xiǎnɡ dìnɡ yì zhānɡ jīpiào 我想订一张机票 I want to book a flight ticket Part 2
    • Learning how to book flight tickets and hotel rooms; Learning the expressions used in the airport