Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for Beginners

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Acerca de este curso

  • Lesson 6 Qù túshūɡuǎn zěnme zǒu ? 去图书馆怎么走? How to get to the library? Part 1(Please complete Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for beginners before you start this module)
    • Learning how to ask for directions and places; Learning how to talk to taxi drivers
  • Lesson 6 Qù túshūɡuǎn zěnme zǒu? 去图书馆怎么走? How to get to the library? Part 2
    • Learning how to ask for directions and places; Learning how to talk to taxi drivers
  • Lesson 7 Nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì duōshǎo? 你的电话号码是多少?What's your phone number? part 1
    • Learning how to ask for phone numbers; Learning how to talk about hobbies and leisure activities
  • Lesson 7 Nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì duōshǎo? 你的电话号码是多少?What's your phone number? part 2
    • Learning how to ask for phone numbers; Learning how to talk about hobbies and leisure activities
  • Lesson 8 Nǐ zhǎo wǒ yǒu shénme shì? 你找我有什么事? What's up? Part 1
    • Learning how to make phone calls; Learning how to make an appointment
  • Lesson 8 Nǐ zhǎo wǒ yǒu shénme shì? 你找我有什么事? What's up? Part 2
    • Learning how to make phone calls; Learning how to make an appointment
  • Lesson 9 Wǒ de shǒujī ne? 我的手机呢? Where is my cell phone? Part 1
    • Learning how to express the location of things and places
  • Lesson 9 Wǒ de shǒujī ne? 我的手机呢? Where is my cell phone? Part 2
    • Learning how to express the location of things and places
  • Lesson 10 Nǐ zěnme le? 你怎么了? Are you feeling sick? Part 1
    • Learning some vocabulary for the human body; Learning how to ask about and describe one’s health
  • Lesson 10 Nǐ zěnme le? 你怎么了? Are you feeling sick? Part 2
    • Learning some vocabulary for the human body; Learning how to ask about and describe one’s health