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'Their' World and How You Define It

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Acerca de este curso

  • Moving Beyond Yourself to Accept Others
    • In this module, you will spend time moving beyond yourself and learn the process of empathy through candid conversations to help you prepare for learning more cultural empathy and awareness in the following lessons.
  • What Supporting Women Really Means
    • In this module, you will focus on the plight of women in various roles while understanding our position in their journey. Using these concepts, you will be challenged to explore how a feminist/womanist understanding can shape and ground everyday feminist’s life.
  • Being Black in The World
    • In this module, you will focus on the many forms of Black experiences and how they are shaped based on different perspectives worldwide. This lesson considers fundamental questions about the nature of identity, identification, and belonging.
  • Understanding the Intricacies of GLBTQ+
    • In this module, you will build on the history of colonialism and media from course one to examine how contemporary non-normative sexualities and genders exist at the intersection of local and global processes.
  • What is Normal
    • This module provides essential background about neurodiversity by uncovering the strengths of neurodiverse individuals and utilizing their talents to increase the innovation and productivity of the global society.