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The Digital Marketing Revolution

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  • Course Introduction and Module 1: Digital Dominance
    • This module provides an overview of the course content and introduces Module 1, which covers the topic of Digital Dominance. During the course introduction, you will be presented with an overview of the course content and various types of assignments. The learning objectives of Module 1 are listed below.
  • Analog Resistance
    • In this module, you will examine Analog Resistance. Specifically, you will learn why some Analog products and services are resisting the Digital Revolution. After introducing the concept of Analog Resistance, this module will then explore two key concepts: Physicality and Protection. In addition to learning about these two concepts, you will also have the opportunity to apply them through a real-world case study (Disposable Cameras) as well as a hands-on exercise (Write a Letter). At the end of this module, you will learn more about Analog Resistance from an interview with William Best (Champaign County Historical Museum). As a result of these various learning activities, you will develop a deep understanding of Analog Resistance.
  • Digital & Analog Synergy
    • In this module you will examine Analog & Digital Synergy. Specifically, you will learn why some Analog & Digital products and services combine to create synergistic effects. After introducing the concept of Analog & Digital Synergy, this module will then explore two key concepts: Glocal and TouchTech. In addition to learning about these two concepts, you will also have the opportunity to apply them through a real-world case study (Amazon Go) as well as a hands-on exercise (Augmented Reality App). At the end of this module, you will learn more about Analog & Digital Synergy from an interview with Craig Steesma (E-shots). As a result of these various learning activities, you will develop a deep understanding of Analog Resistance.
      As a result of these various learning activities, you will develop a deep understanding of Analog & Digital Synergy.
  • Analog Transformation
    • In this module, you will examine Analog Transformation. Specifically, you will learn why some Analog products and services are being transformed by the Digital Revolution. After introducing the concept of Analog Transformation, this module will then explore two key concepts: Embracing and Distancing. In addition to learning about these two concepts, you will also have the opportunity to apply them through a real-world case study (Museum of Ice Cream) as well as a hands-on exercise (Visit a Physical Store, Part 2). At the end of this module, you will learn more about Analog Transformation from an interview with Matt Difianis (REMAX). As a result of these various learning activities, you will develop a deep understanding of Analog Transformation.