Digital Marketing Capstone

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Acerca de este curso

  • Course Overview & Module 1 Client/Brand Analysis
    • In this module, you will get an overview of the Captone, learn about the client and the problem statement, and get to know your peers. You will also start research into the client and the brand before you work on your campaign.
  • Module 2 The Consumer Decision Journey
    • In this module, you will complete the PLAN part of the Marketing Analytics Process. You will map out the Consumer Decision Journey for the scenarios described in the Problem Statement and identify key objectives, the questions to be answered, and plan out your data collection.
  • Module 3 Collect and Analyze Data
    • In this module, you will continue along the Plan, Collect, Analyze, Report framework you learned in the Marketing Analytics courses to prepare the foundation for your marketing campaign.
  • Module 4 The Channel and Content Strategy
    • In this module, you will identify and describe the marketing strategy and digital channels to be used for the campaign.
  • Module 5 Test and Control Plan
    • In this module, you will present a plan to verify and measure the recommendations developed in the digital marketing strategy
  • Module 6 Final Digital Marketing Plan Submission
    • In this module, you will bring together the previous module submissions in a final report