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The Addicted Brain

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Acerca de este curso

  • The Background & Overview of Drug Use
    • In this first week, we'll explore drug abuse, types of addictions, and the behaviors associated with them.
  • Drugs & How the Brain Works
    • In this second week, we'll get a glimpse at why certain drugs are addicting and how they affect different regions of the brain.
  • Classes of Drugs
    • In this third week, we'll take a deep dive into the different types of drugs and their individual effects.
  • Classes of Drugs with Animal Models
    • In this fourth week, we'll take a look at the drug self-administration model in animals and the implications of these results.
  • Neurotransmission & Brain Imaging
    • In this fifth week, we'll consider synaptic transmission and how drugs alter it.
  • Vulnerability: Drug Use, Abuse, & Prevention
    • In this sixth week, we'll have the chance to consider the concept of vulnerability and the value and effectiveness of treatment.
  • Treatment, Policy, & Decriminalization
    • In this seventh week, we'll explore drug treatment and government drug policies that exist.
  • Drugs & Society
    • In this final week, we'll explore the recent opioid epidemic as well as the topic of medical and recreational marijuana.