Startup Engineering

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Acerca de este curso

The syllabus is optimized to enable students to iterate on their final projects as soon as possible, with technical material in the first half of the class and entrepreneurial considerations in the second half.

  • Introduction and Quickstart
  • Tools: VMs, IAAS/PAAS, Unix Command Line, Text Editors, DCVS
  • Frontend: HTML/CSS/JS, Wireframing, Market Research
  • Backend: SSJS, Databases, Frameworks, Data Pipelines
  • APIs: Client-side templating, HTTP, SOA/REST/JSON, API as BizDev
  • Devops: Testing, Deployment, CI, Monitoring, Performance
  • Dev Scaling: DRY, Reading/Reviewing/Documenting Code, Parallelizing
  • Founding: Conception, Composition, Capitalization
  • Business Scaling: Promotion, CAC/LTV/Funnel, Regulation, Accounting
  • Summary and Demo Week