Setting the Stage for Success: An Eye on Safety Culture and Teamwork (Patient Safety II)

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  • Patient Safety Culture and Just Culture
    • In this module, learners will develop an understanding of what safety culture is and why it matters, how safety culture influences outcomes, how culture is assessed, and how strategies for improvement can be developed. Learners will become familiar with the Just Culture model and how it is used when appropriating blame and accountability for human error, at risk behaviors, and reckless behaviors.
  • Patient Safety, Quality, and the Patient Experience
    • The patient experience encompasses a range of interactions patients have with the healthcare system. Understanding patients' expectations and learning from their experiences is key to designing safer care delivery systems and providing patient and family-centered care.
  • Event Reporting and Second Victims
    • Patient safety event reports are a critical data source for identifying and mitigating harm in high reliability organizations; yet, many healthcare organizations do not take full advantage of this data. At the conclusion of this module, learners will understand how event reports should be used to design safer care systems and how organizations can provide support to staff involved in medical errors.
  • Strengthening Safety Culture Through Teamwork
    • Research shows that many errors can be attributed to breakdowns in teamwork and communication. In this module, participants will learn how safety culture can be strengthened though teamwork and communication. Participants will learn skills critical in the prevention and mitigation of medical errors.