Science Communication: Communicating Trustworthy Information in the Digital World

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Acerca de este curso

  • Module 0
    • Welcome to the course! In this module, you will learn about the importance and relevance of effective science communication in the digital world. We will outline various topics and important concepts that will be discussed in the next modules.
  • Module 1: The Digital Communication Ecosystem
    • In this module, you will explore the effects of digital media on science communication and the implications on social trust.
  • Module 2: The (Social) Scientist
    • In the age of misinformation and fake news, there seems to be a public outcry for ‘trust in science’. This module shows you how social scientists produce knowledge and what challenges they face in communicating science.
  • Module 3: The Journalist
    • In this module, you will learn how journalists combat threats like fake news or misinformation. We also discuss how they ensure and navigate responsible and reliable reporting in today’s world.
  • Module 4: The Policy Maker
    • Policymakers make decisions in light of competing opinions on scientific issues. But what should they do to maintain public trust? In this module, you will explore evidence-based policymaking and the crucial role of science communication in the process.
  • Module 5: The Misinformation Road is Paved with Good Intentions
    • Digital media go hand in hand with misinformation. Why is that? In this module, you will learn how digital media facilitate the spread of (mis)information but also provide the tools to combat it.
  • Module 6: The Citizens
    • As a science communicator, you need to take in mind your audiences’ needs and characteristics to effectively get your messages across. This module will help you understand how people interpret scientific knowledge. Additionally, we look at strategies to engage citizens with science communication.
  • Module 7: Conclusion
    • You are getting to the end of the course. Let’s reflect on your learnings in the previous modules and identify best scientific communication practices we discussed.