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Acerca de este curso

  • An Introduction to the Disorder
    • The first module is focused on introducing key symptom characteristics of the psychiatric diagnosis known as schizophrenia, and describes current thinking around potential causes and biological correlates of the disorder.
  • Symptom Assessment and History
    • The second module is focused on a continuing exploration of symptoms in the disorder through simulated client-clinician interactions. Lectures in this unit also focus on the history of the treatment of schizophrenia in Western culture.
  • Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging
    • In the third module we begin to discuss the neurochemistry of the disorder as well as common manifestations of those diagnosed with schizophrenia on structural and functional brain MRI scans. First, though, we look at two more client-clinician simulations to explore symptoms and recovery.
  • Psychological Science
    • In the fourth module we discuss common cognitive deficits, disruptions in social cognition and cognitive models of the disorder.
  • Intervention
    • In the fifth module we discuss approaches to treatment with a focus on both pharmacologic and psychosocial approaches.