Sales Strategies: Mastering the Selling Process

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Week 1: Get Ready!
Hello there! Welcome to Sales Strategies: Mastering the Selling Process! In Module One, you will learn how this course will help you develop the knowledge, skill, discipline of a High Performing salesperson! After completing this module, you will be able to: 1) List the benefits of attending of engaging in this course. 2) Understand the expectation for the next four weeks of this course; 3) Decide how you will take this course.

The Entrepreneurial Selling Process
What does it mean to "Sell Like an Entrepreneur?" What is the "Entrepreneurial Selling Process" and how do entrepreneurs differ from professional salespeople? In this module, we will answer these questions and more, and we will start working through the "preparation" phase of the sales process. And, you will start to practice selling!

Selling Happens in a Conversation
In our Selling Happens in Conversations module, you will continue to build out your own personal Sales Toolkit. You will learn the art and science of conducting effective and efficient sales conversations by designing your own "Sales Trailer" that describes what you do in the clearest possible way. You will construct an Introductory Email and a Prospecting Script that will improve your approach to potential customers.

Qualifying & Handling Objections
In our Qualifying and Handling Objections module, you will continue to build out your own personal Sales Toolkit by building skills and tools around Qualifying and Handling Objections, two critical elements to being a high performing sales person. You will learn how to engage and persuade people by asking Impact Questions, and then you will turn your attention to Proposing and Closing!

Running High Impact Meetings & Telling Great Stories
In this Module, we will explore how high performers execute great meetings - one of the most frequent things we do in business. We will learn the five critical elements of running high impact meetings, and look at how these elements combine process and persuasion to set us apart. Finally, we will look at the power of story, and how we can capture, distill and tell our stories such that we increase our influence.