Quantum Mechanics for Everyone

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Acerca de este curso

1. Introduction to the Quantum World
- Introduction
- Classical mechanics of moving magnets in a magnetic field
- Probability
- Quantum Probability

2. Advanced Quantum Mechanics with Spins
- Stern-Gerlach analyzer-loop
- Analog of the two-slit experiment
- Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
- Bell’s inequality
- NMR and MRI

3. The Quantum Mechanics of Light
- Wave or particle?
- Exploring the quantum model for light
- Developing the quantum model for light
- Understanding the quantum mystery
- Applications of the quantum theory of light

4. Advanced Quantum Ideas with Light
- Introduction to quantum seeing in the dark
- Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
- The Quantum Zeno Effect Quantum Seeing in the Dark
- Identical particles and the Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment