Psychology of Popularity

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  • How is Popularity Affecting Your Life as an Adult?
    • We will review how popularity is changing your social information processing and DNA expression.
  • How Do We Study Popularity Scientifically?
    • We will discuss the ways that we have identified different subgroups of kids and adults who have

      different popularity profiles.
  • Why are Some People More Popular Than Others? (Part 1)
    • We will discuss what behaviors popular people engage in, and what types of specific behaviors make

      people unpopular almost immediately. Implications for adult relationships will be discussed.
  • Why are Some People More Popular Than Others? (Part 2)
    • We will review why facial and body attractiveness plays a role in popularity and how parents can make

      their children more popular.
  • How Does Popularity Change Our Mood, Feelings, and Behaviors? (Part 1)
    • We will discuss recent findings regarding the links between popularity and psychopathology.
  • How Does Popularity Change Our Mood, Feelings, and Behaviors? (Part 2)
    • We will review why popular people really do have better skills and life outcomes compared to others.