Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing

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  • The ABCs : Part 1 - Antecedents & Behaviors
    • Module 1 overviews the course structure and outlines the ABC formula for behavior-change programs. The “A” in the ABC stands for Antecedents and covers what to do before the behavior. The “B” represents Behavior and outlines working on the behavior itself - how to shape behavior by breaking it down into doable steps, practice the behavior repeatedly through simulations, and model the behavior. The course kicks off with a “C” (Consequence) because learning how to praise your child in the special way may be the most useful and versatile technique in the series.
  • The ABCs: Part 2 - Consequences
    • Module 2 focuses on the “C” in the ABC formula which is what comes after the behavior such as praise, rewards, attention, or punishment.
  • Advanced ABCs - Troubleshooting and Adolescents
    • Module 3 takes all the ABC techniques into consideration and outlines ways to improve and expand upon the parenting tools. Learn how to modify techniques for your maturing adolescent along with new techniques to foster communication with your child.
  • Special Topics and Conclusion
    • Module 4 moves beyond the ABC techniques and considers the larger family environment, misconceptions that might hold you back from implementing an effective behavior-change program, helping your child in school, and warning signs that your child may need professional help along with tips on how to find viable treatments.