Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment

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Acerca de este curso

  • Welcome to the Course
  • Psychodiagnostics as a Science
    • In the first module we will talk about what Psychodiagnostics is as a science: how it was created, when the accumulated by mankind ordinary knowledge was transformed into a scientific discipline; what a significant Psychodiagnostic procedure is; which results it allows you to get and how they can be used.
  • General Psychodiagnostics and Psychometriсs
    • This module content forms the basis of the professional competence of the practical psychologist. We will talk about tests reliability and validity. I hope that at the end of this module, you will understand that the psychodiagnostics is not only the traditional test with questions like "Are you afraid of the dark?" and two variants of answers "yes" and "no", but something else.
  • Psychodiagnostics of Intelligence
    • In the third theme, we consider in detail the five classical approaches to the diagnostics of intelligence. And I also want to remark that Psychodiagnostics as a science and as a practice has begun with Psychodiagnostics of cognitive abilities.
  • Traditional Psychodiagnostics of Personality
    • Now we will take a header ourselves in a classic 20th century Psychodiagnostics. Each month, in the scientific literature there are appearing new tests and methods of psychodiagnostics and assessment. However, if we look at the top 10 of the most popular tests, we face with the good old “friends”, which are used in the practice of psychology for decades.
  • Integrative Approach in Psychodiagnostics
    • The fifth theme is devoted to integrative approaches in Psychodiagnostics and Assessment of the 21st century, which involves a continuity of intelligence and a person.