Molecular Tumor Board 2021-22

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Acerca de este curso

  • Thoracic Tumor - Somatic and germinal, both are deletions by Dr. Lucio Ghiglione
    • Cáncer de torax
  • Learning from failures by Dr. Helena Oliveres
  • Selecting patients for PARPis in Ovarian Cancer: ¿How can we best indentify them? by Dr. Lydia Gaba
    • Cáncer de ovario
  • Intrinsic Subtypes and Therapeutic Decision-Making in HR+HER2-negative Metastatic Breast Cancer by Dr. Francesco Schettini
  • DNA repair and clinical evolutiol of metastatic prostate cancer by Dr. Caterina Aversa
    • Cáncer de mama
  • Change in phenotype and somatic BRCA1 mutation in a patient with advanced breast cancer by Dr. Barbara Adamo
    • Cáncer de mama
  • Done right, went wrong by Dr. Victor Albarran
  • Can be guided treatment strategy without somatic molecular profile? by Dr. Juan Carlos Laguna
  • Precision medicine in non-melanoma skin cancer by Dr. Elia Segui
    • Cáncer de piel
  • Unexpected response in a rare tumor by Dr. David Pesantez
    • Cáncer raro
  • Mejorando la supervivencia en cáncer de mama mestatásico by Dr. Maria Vidal
    • Cáncer de mama metastásico
  • Beyond BRCA1 and 2 in ovarian cancer by Dr. Adela Rodríguez
    • Cáncer de Ovario
  • "Not everything is what it seems to be”... The correct interpretation of tumor molecular studies and the importance of a multidisciplinar approach Dr. Belen Pastor
    • Cáncer hereditario
  • Never too late to think twice by Dr. Marta García de Herreros
    • Diagnóstico y abordaje de una neoplasia
  • Do we have predictive biomarkers in urothelial carcinoma (UC) beyond FGFR alterations? by Dr. Oscar Reig
  • Agnostic Biomarker in solid tumors by Dr. Laura Angelats
    • Cáncer genitourinario
  • What acral melanoma hides by Dr. Roberto Martín
    • Cáncer de piel
  • Molecular Family by Dr. Roxana Reyes
    • Biología molecular
  • Is there any rol for precision medicine in rare pacreatic cancer? by Dr. Francis Espósito
    • Cáncer Gástrico
  • Beyond the classical EGFR resistance mechanisms by Teresa Gorria
    • The protein EGFR
  • Breast cancer: Beyond intrinsic subtypes by Raquel Gómez
    • Cáncer de mama
  • Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: beyond chemotherapy by Dr. Iván Victoria
  • Exploiting genomics in serous endometrial cancer by Lydia Gaba
    • Cáncer ginecológico
  • Beyond classical BRAF mutations in melanoma by Dr. Marta García de Herreros
    • Cáncer de piel
  • Can we talk about Precision Immuno-Oncology in HR+ HER2- Breast Cancer? by Elia Seguí
    • Cáncer de mama y inmunoterapia
  • Brain tumor by Estela Pineda
    • Cáncer del SNC