Model Diagnostics and Remedial Measures

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Acerca de este curso

  • Module 1: Model Diagnostics and Remediation Part I
    • Welcome to Model Diagnostics and Remediation Measures! In this course, we will cover the topics of: Regression Diagnostics, Variance Stabilizing Transformations, Box-Cox Transformation, Transformations to Linearized the Model, Weighted Least Squares, Autocorrelation, Multicollinearity, Variable Selection and Model Validation. In Module 1, we will cover four topics including: Regression Diagnostics, Variance Stabilizing Transformations, Box-Cox Transformation and Transformations to Linearize the model. There is a lot to read, watch, and consume in this module so, let’s get started!
  • Module 2: Model Diagnostics and Remediation Part II
    • Welcome to Module 2 – This module will cover four topics including: Weighted Least Squares, Autocorrelation, Multicollinearity, and Variable Selection and Model Validation. There is a lot to read, watch, and consume in this module so, let’s get started!
  • Summative Course Assessment