Making Architecture

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Acerca de este curso

  • Welcome to the Mind of an Architect
    • In this course, we're not just going to tell you what the architect does, we're going to show it to you. You're going to actually do, on a small scale, the work that an architect does.What the architect does is to have a certain vision about how things might be better. We're going to give you an introduction to that mindset and to that way of working. The study of architecture really engages all your skills. You learn how to work in teams, you learn how to communicate. You learn how to think critically and analytically. You develop all of your creative skills in the study of architecture. In this first module we are going to do three things. We're going to dispel some of the myths about what you need in order to be an architect. We're also going to talk about what an architect does and doesn't do. Then we're going to work on a short design exercise that begins to stretch your muscles to get you going on the design process.
  • Design Analysis
    • What we're going to do in this module is to discuss the work of architecture in a wider context. In this we will explore the relationship the architect has with the environment (both its material environment and its social environment. So, these kinds of questions, this ability to think about an object in its broader context is what we're going to develop. By the end of the module, you're going to be able to think about and map a building's broader context. The social and material context in which a project exists.
  • Creating Spaces
    • In this module we are going to delve more into the technical side of architecture. We will explore essential principles such as: composition, hierarchy, balance, and space. Having learned how you interact with the environment, this is where you learn how to put your ideas into practice. You will learn what is necessary in order to ensure your structure connects with people living near it and interacting with it on a daily basis. Also, we will explore how architects use the natural and physical environment to stimulate their creative process - taking a look at incredible examples from renowned architects. Finally, you will receive tips on how to succeed in this week's assignment.
  • Design Process
    • In this module, we focus on developing the story behind your design. All great architects have great stories and we will give you an insight to some of those in this week. We will show you how you can develop your own story which will enable you to build the necessary emotional connection to your design. Also, we educate you in how to use photography and modern tools like instagram in order to make your design look as attractive as possible to a wider audience. Finally, we will prepare you for your final and most important assignment of the course.