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Introduction to Multinational and Cross-Cultural Teams

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  • Getting Started and Why Culture Matters
    • In this module, you will be able to define culture and identify your own culture. You will be able to demonstrate how your culture shows up differently depending on the setting that you are in. You will be able to discuss cultural practices and how those practices can be perceived. You will be able to discuss where culture shows up in your organization and illustrate how it can impact an organization.
  • Opportunities and Challenges of Teamwork
    • In this module, you will be able to define the role of team within diverse cultures and identify opportunities and challenges of such a team. You will be able to analyze the importance of teams and define various personality traits that show up in teams. You'll be able to explain how the Hawthorne Effect and Maslow's Hierarchical needs play into teams and discuss the role diversity has on a team.
  • Opportunities and Challenges of Multinational and Cross-Cultural Teams
    • In this module you will examine use cases of real teams and be able to analyze how different cultures define good teamwork. You will be able to describe what a high-functioning multinational, cross-cultural team looks like and recognize the opportunities and pitfalls of a multinational, cross-cultural team. You will be able to define the concepts of linear versus flexible time and high-context versus low-context in regards to culture.
  • Practicing Cross-Cultural Management
    • In this module, you will be able to identify who the stakeholders are in your multinational, cross-cultural team and explain why you need multinational and cross-cultural team skills in your team. You will be able to discuss why communication is essential to multinational, cross-cultural team success and identify how technology is the future of teams. You will be able to define the qualities of a successful cross-cultural leader and practice three tools for enhancing multinational, cross-cultural teams.