Introduction to inkscape

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Acerca de este curso

This project is for people who are starting a scientific career. As a novice researcher you are building an initial toolkit of knowledge for producing articles, congress posters, among other things. This project will give you an initial set of powerful tools to help you in the production of any graphical image you will need in your career path. You need no prior knowledge in Inkscape to start this course. This guided project is for beginners with Inkscape. I will gently guide you to key abilities any novice researcher must have in image edition.

By the end of this Project, you will be able to edit and create your own vector images in the most popular file formats. You will be familiar with the basic interface of Inkscape, giving you the chance to a gentle learning curve to any other skill in Inkscape. Making your own high-quality info-graphics, diagrams and congress posters will not be a challenge anymore.