Hands-on with AWS: Software Development Practices

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  • Week 1: From Code to Application Delivery
    • This week, you learn how to work on software as a team. You start by learning about best practices for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). Next, you explore what it means to take a DevOps approach, where most of the delivery and operations of applications are automated. Finally, working in a team also means contributing to source code in a repository. You learn the basics of using Git for source control, and some best practices for branching and managing code.
  • Week 2: Testing and Deployment Pipelines
    • This week, you get hands-on with some engineering responsibilities. First, you learn about testing code. When you write code, the quality of the code is important. By automating testing as you build, you can increase your confidence that you’re creating quality software. Next, you work through the process of getting a bug fix from code and updating tests. Finally, you see how the code is automatically deployed to production.