NaN vía Coursera

Getting Your Film off the Ground

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Acerca de este curso

  • Introduction to Getting Your Film Off The Ground
    • General Course Goals:
      This course is an introduction to many of the possibilities that exist to fund your film, market it, and create an audience for it. It will give you a sense of possible options and avenues to explore and it will start you on the process of making your film happen. If you watch the videos and complete the assignments, you will:

      • Become familiar with the grant writing process by articulating their requirements, researching grants that fit your work, connecting with grant winning filmmakers, and outlining you grant application.
      • Plan your film’s website by evaluating film websites, articulating what you want your website to achieve, and developing a plan for launching your website.
      • Launch your social media presence as a filmmaker by evaluating the social presence of fellow filmmakers, choosing a platform for you, creating an account and posting in ways that help you establish your brand.
      • Understand the possibilities of crowdfunding and seeking investors, evaluate successful crowdfunding campaigns and develop a plan for your own, and brainstorm possible investors and articulate why they would fit your project.
  • Week 1: Applying for Grants
    • Why Start with Grants?
  • Week 2: Making Your Website
  • Week 3: Developing Your Social Media, Newsletter, and Press Presence
  • Week 4: Crowdfunding and Finding Investors