Gender Analytics for Innovation

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Acerca de este curso

  • Using Gender Analytics to create opportunities and mitigate risks
    • What is Gender Analytics? Why is it worth doing? In this week’s lessons, you will see examples of how Gender Analytics can create opportunities for growth and increased impact. You will also learn how this kind of analysis can help avoid downside risks. By the end of the week, you will be able to recognize how areas often considered “gender neutral” actually have gendered outcomes and explain why gender considerations are not an “add on” to the day-to-day activities but rather essential to organizational success.
  • Gender Analytics competencies
    • This module introduces you to the Gender Analysis Competency Framework. This Framework outlines what skills would be required for you to become competent in Gender Analytics. You will hear from the experts about the process of developing this Competency Framework and why these competencies are important. By filling out a self-assessment, you will see clearly where your strengths and improvement areas lie.
  • Why gender and its intersections matter
    • To be effective in Gender Analytics, you first need to have a solid understanding of key concepts and terminology. In this module, you will learn what gender means, understand the difference between gender and sex, and become familiar with terms such as gender identity, transgender and cisgender. We will discuss the concept of “intersectionality” and why it is important in Gender Analytics.
  • Gender Analytics for inclusive innovation
    • In this week, you will learn more about how Gender Analytics can lead to inclusive innovation through discussions with special guest, Professor Anita McGahan who will offer a series of compelling examples of successes when gender considerations shaped product and service development and failures when gender was not considered. At the end of the week, you will be guided to start planning your own Gender Analytics project in the Application Spotlight.