Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4

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  • Front-end Web UI Frameworks Overview: Bootstrap
    • This module gives you a quick introduction to full-stack web development and the outline of the course. Then you will learn the basics of Bootstrap, setting up a web project using Bootstrap. You will learn about responsive design and the Bootstrap grid system. At the end of this module, you need to complete your first assignment.
  • Bootstrap CSS Components
    • This module concentrates on Bootstrap's components that are designed using pure CSS classes. You will learn about Navigation and Navigation bar. Then, you will learn about buttons, forms, tables, cards, images and media, tags, alerts and progress bars. At the end of this module you need to complete your second assignment.
  • Bootstrap Javascript Components
    • This module concentrates on Bootstrap's JavaScript based components. You will learn about tabs, pills and tabbed navigation, collapse, accordion, scrollspy, affix, tooltips, popovers, modals and the carousel. At the end of this module you need to complete the third assignment.
  • Web Tools
    • This module rounds out our discussions on Bootstrap JavaScript components. Then we discuss CSS preprocessors, Less and Sass. Finally, we discuss building and deployment of our Web projects through task automation using NPM scripts, and task runners like Grunt and Gulp. The final assignment of this course needs to be completed at the end of this module.