Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS

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Acerca de este curso

Front-End Javascript Frameworks: AngularJS Overview
In this module we get a quick introduction to front-end JavaScript frameworks, Angular built-in directives, the Model-View-Controller framework, Angular Modules and Controllers and Angular filters.

Task Runners, Angular Scope, Forms and Form Validation
In this module, we will first get an overview of Task runners. We will explore Grunt and Gulp in some detail. Thereafter, we study Angular scope and its use as glue between a view and a controller. Then we study Angular support for forms and form validation. The exercises are time consuming in this module, so you need some patience.

Single Page Applications
In this week, you learn about dependency injection in Angular. You will learn how to design custom services. You will learn about Angular templates and their use in single page applications. You will also learn about single page applications and use Angular ngRoute and Angular UI-Router to design single page applications.

Client-Server Communication and Angular Testing
In this module you will explore client-server communication using both Angular $http and $resource services. You will then use the Yo web tool from the Yeoman toolset to scaffold an Angular application. You will also learn about testing Angular applications.