File and Directory Manipulation with Linux for IT Engineers

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By the end of this project, you will be able to interact with the Linux command line, find out the path of the directory you’re working in and change your directory to any other directory by applying some basic commands like cd and pwd. Moreover, You will be able to list, create and delete folders and files across your Linux system. Finally you will be able to apply different techniques to manipulate files and directories by creating, reading and Moving them using touch, copy, mkdir, and rm commands and finally to use the SED and AWK commands . The command line is more powerful, flexible and helpful with Building Repeatable Data Processes. Also it is less resource-intensive because when you’re working with limited computing resources or simply want to maximize your speed, using the command line is virtually always going to be better than using a GUI because using a GUI means resources must be dedicated to rendering the graphical output.

-This guided project is for people who are interested in learning Linux from Scratch.
-Beginners who want to use Linux command line for basic tasks but don't know where to start.
-Linux enthusiasts who don’t know how to use the command line.
-People thinking about a career as a Linux system administrator or engineer, but need the basics first.