Engineering Self-Reflection for Human Completion

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Acerca de este curso

Week 1: Necessity of self-reflection

Self- reflection is the methodology of meditation for growth, happiness and human completion

-   Why do we need self-reflection?

-   Academic research on self-reflection

-   Draw my life graph

-   Ultimate purpose of self-reflection 

Week 2: Principle and practice of self-reflection

Learn the principle of self-reflection and practice the self–reflection through 5 subjects

-   Methodology of self-reflection

-   Practice of self-reflection through 5 essential subjects (barrier in relationships, inferiority and ego in childhood, emotion of love and hatred since childhood, worries, response to problems )

-   My past life and my current self

Week 3: Copied world and real world

Recognize the copied world and real world and think of living free from the self.

-    Principle of mind formation

-    Human recognition observed by philosophers and neuroscientists

-    Understanding the reasons why we cannot live with free will

-    Human mind and Original mind 

Week 4: Methodology of mind subtraction changes myself

Learn and practice the methodology of mind subtraction

-    Do you want to change yourself?

-    Methodology of mind subtraction

-    Repetition of the self-reflection of 5 essential subjects

-    Real potential and positive mind 

Week 5: Self-reflection and mind subtraction in ordinary life.

Learn and practice the methodology of self-reflection and subtraction the mind in everyday life.

-    Stress is the impetus for growth

-    Case study on overcoming the self

-    Health-mind relationship and brain wave changes

-    Meaning of self-reflection and mind subtraction in life. 

Week 6: Starting point of new life, life with wisdom and peaceful world

Let’s start the peaceful life with wisdom

-    Draw your life graph again

-    People at school and the office practicing self-reflection continuously

-    Meaning of self-reflection in social aspects (through reflections on communication and relationships)

-    Starting point of peaceful life with wisdom