Emerging Technologies Capstone

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Capstone Project Lectures Part 1
In this Specialization, you have learned the operational principles of cloud computing, cloud services, smartphones, wireless communication technologies, and Internet technologies. The goal of this Capstone Project is to connect the pieces of knowledge together to explain how a VM (Virtual Machine) cloud service can be setup and also accessed on your smartphone. Through this Capstone Project, you get to experience the power of VMware’s advanced cloud computing technology and how it can expand one’s smartphone to enable endless functionalities.

Capstone Project Lectures Part 2
In week 2 of the Capstone project you will learn from Mr. Moses L. George of VMware on the details of Cloud Computing, VMs (Virtual Machines), ESX Layers, and vCenter Server Appliances. In addition, you will learn about installation methods of the ESXi, how to import vCenter Server Appliances, how to configure vCenter Server Appliances, how to start a vSphere Web Client, how to create a VM on a vSphere Web Client, and how to access and use VMs on a Smartphone. The last lecture is on additional advanced Network Virtualization technologies. Through these lectures you will obtain practical knowledge of how to setup a VM on a local device and how to access the VM through your smartphone. This knowledge will enable endless capabilities and functions to be installed and used on your smartphones and local computers.

Capstone Project in Windows 10
I made this 'Capstone Project in Windows 10' because I found out that students were having some difficulty in conducting the capstone project on Microsoft Windows OS (operating system) based PC/laptop computers because the demo lectures made by Mr. George (of VMware) were conducted on a MacBook computer using Apple's OS X. I am hoping that this 'easy to follow' document will help my students to do the Capstone project with ease.

Capstone Project
For weeks 3 and 4, we will focus on the actual experimentation of the Capstone project. A strong DIY (Do It Yourself) effort is recommended, and after a good DIY attempt, asking for help is welcomed. In addition, you will need to prepare your peer review video report and upload it to YouTube. The goal of this Capstone project is to obtain practical experience in VM (Virtual Machine) setup and smartphone service control of cloud computing technologies.