CEC vía Swayam

Early Childhood Care and Education

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    Guía de Registro en Swayam

Acerca de este curso

Week - 1
1. ECCE in India2. Principles of growth and development and interrelatedness of the domains of development3. Brain development in early years
Week - 2
4. Theoretical foundations and its implications towards learning and development in early years - Behaviourism and social learning5. Theoretical foundations and its implications towards learning and development in early years – Piaget’s Cognitive developmental theory6. Theoretical foundations and its implications towards learning and development in early years – Information processing and Gardner’s’ MI
Week - 3
7. Theoretical foundations and its implications towards learning and development in early years - Ecological and socio-cultural perspective8. Objectives and Principles of ECCE9. ECCE concerns
Week - 4
10. Concept, meaning and benefits of play11. Types of play and its values - Part 112. Types of play and its values - Part 213. Learning and developing holistically through play
Week - 5
14. Curriculum of play way approach – supporting communication skills15. Curriculum of play way approach – supporting early literacy and numeracy16. Curriculum of play way approach – supporting reading skills
Week - 6
17. The planning process – Long term, medium term and small term18. The planning process - Reviewing and evaluating planned themes and activities
Week - 7
19. Setting up early learning environment – indoor20. Setting up early learning environment – outdoor21. Meaning and concept, general types of pedagogical techniques and strategies
Week - 8
22. Pedagogy in relation to ECE – Positioning, Empowering, Scaffolding23. Pedagogy in relation to ECE – Co-constructing, Modelling, Questioning24. Pedagogy in relation to ECE – Encouraging and praising, Problem solving, Documenting
Week - 9
25. Guiding principles and suggestive developmentally appropriate practices for birth to three years – Part 126. Guiding principles and suggestive developmentally appropriate practices for birth to three years – Part 2
Week - 10
27. Guiding principles and suggestive developmentally appropriate practices for three to six years – Part – 128. Guiding principles and suggestive developmentally appropriate practices for three to six years – Part – 2
Week - 11
29. Recognizing dispositions, skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding of children30. Creating a strong emotional foundation
Week - 12
31. Principles of assessment32. Why, what, and when to assess33. Assessment tools and strategies
Week - 13
34. Key people in the assessment process – ECCE provider35. Key people in the assessment process – Parents and family36. Assessment information – Planning the next step in learning
Week - 14
37. Meaning and importance of effective transition38. Strategies to promote effective transition- to enable the child to be ready to learn
Week - 15
39. Strategies to promote effective transition- to facilitate parent to support child’s transition40. Strategies to promote effective transition- to assist the school to be ready for the child