Designing and Implementing Your Coaching Strategy

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  • Course Overview
    • Welcome to Designing and Implementing Your Coaching Strategy. In this project-based course, we'll put everything we've learned in all the previous courses to practical use as you develop your coaching philosophy, establish your coaching practice, develop coaching agendas, and have coaching conversations.
  • Milestone 1: Define Your Coaching Philosophy
    • This first milestone is all about determining what coaching means to you. You need to reflect and have a firm grasp of coaching yourself before you're able to effectively roll it out as a practice within your organization or team. In this module, you'll identify your own perspective as a manager, craft a definition of coaching that reflects your own thoughts about the field, write a mission/purpose statement for your team, and develop key performance indicators for a minimum of 4 roles within your organization. This module contains an overview video discussing key ideas to consider when working on the milestone, two new videos introducing some ideas we haven't discussed before as well as some review videos from earlier courses in the specialization that should help you as you work on the assignments related to this milestone.
  • Milestone 2: Develop Your Coaching Practice and Agenda
    • In previous courses you worked on elements of your coaching practice. This milestone is all about reflecting on and refining those earlier ideas and establishing a coaching practice for your team in alignment with the goals of the organization. As you roll out your coaching practice, pay special attention to the Coaching Through Organizational Change video for some strategies on how to introduce new processes to your employees. A key part of this process is developing coaching agendas for the people you will be having regular meetings with, and you'll do that as part of this milestone. This module contains an overview video discussing key ideas to consider when working on the milestone, two new videos introducing some ideas we haven't discussed before as well as some review videos from earlier courses in the specialization that should help you as you work on the assignments related to this milestone.
  • Milestone 3: Demonstrate Your Ability to Coach Effectively
    • In this final module, it's time to actually prep for and have some coaching conversations. This is similar to the final peer reviewed assignment in Course 4: Coaching Conversations, which you can view as practice for this assignment. There are a few key differences between this assignment and that one, including a few additional requirements, chief among them being that you will need to have separate coaching conversations with 2 people (preferably those whom you supervise). This is a true test for yourself to see how far you've come in this specialization and will help you reflect on areas in which you're already doing well and areas where you still may need a little work. This module contains an overview video discussing key ideas to consider when working on the milestone, as well as some review videos from earlier courses in the specialization that should help you as you work on the assignments related to this milestone. Good luck!
  • Course Summary
    • You've made it! Congratulations! You've refined your coaching philosophy, established a coaching practice with your team (including developing coaching agendas), and have, at a minimum, conducted several coaching conversations with your colleagues. You're well on your way to becoming an excellent coach-manager! This final video leaves you with some final ideas on where to go next and stay engaged in learning more about coaching.