Business English: Capstone Project

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Acerca de este curso

  • Week 1: Introduction to Capstone Project
    • In Week 1, we will review some of the content from previous Business English courses. We will also introduce what you need to do to finish the Capstone project.
  • Week 2: Describing Company and Product or Service
    • In Week 2, you will review how to describe a product or service, how to introduce yourself in networking, and complete a peer review assignment.
  • Week 3: Business Plans
    • In Week 3, we will review business plans and then introduce you to the concept of a mini-business plan for your final project.
  • Week 4: Marketing Ideas
    • In Week 4, you will go over marketing ideas financial vocabulary, and review lectures on making presentations.
  • Week 5: Being Persuasive
    • In Week 5, we will review lectures on being persuasive and you will complete a rough raft of your mini business plan.
  • Week 6: Short Pitch and Rough Presentation
    • In Week 6, you will get an introduction to making short pitches and presentations and then review examples before making your first practice pitch. You will also be given a chance to review past lectures on presentations.
  • Week 7: Final Mini Business Plan and Presentation
    • In your final week of Capstone, you will polish your final mini business plan and presentation. You will review and be reviewed by your colleagues for your certificate.