Brilliant, Passionate You

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    Guía de Registro en Coursera

Acerca de este curso

  • The Best Day of My Life
    • In this module, you'll envision the best day of your life. This will be the basis for all of the individual elements we examine in the course.
  • What Do You Want to Be Known for on Earth?
    • This module will help you identify your purpose and define personal success.
  • Feeling Your Best Self
    • This module explores the importance of physical and mental health in order to be your best self.
  • Building a Brilliant, Passionate Community
    • In this module, we'll explore the importance of a strong community connection and learn about the GIVE model.
  • Navigating Challenges and Risks When Leading a Passionate Life
    • In Module 5, we'll explore the strategies for developing grit, managing risk, and asking for help.
  • Empowering a Passionate World
    • In this last module, you will learn about reflection and storytelling, and share your own story with other learners in the course!