Advanced Django: Advanced Django Rest Framework

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Acerca de este curso

  • Testing Django Rest Framework
    • Welcome to Week 1 of the Advanced Django: Advanced Django Rest Framework course. These assignments cover testing the Django rest framework with both mocks and requests. The module ends with graded coding exercises.
  • Optimizing Django Rest Framework
    • Welcome to Week 2 of the Advanced Django: Advanced Django Rest Framework course. These assignments cover optimizing the Django rest framework with caching, throttling, and filtering. The module ends with graded coding exercises.
  • Django Rest Framework and Third-Party Libraries
    • Welcome to Week 3 of the Advanced Django: Advanced Django Rest Framework course. These assignments cover third-party libraries for pagination, tokens, and images. The module ends with graded coding exercises.
  • Integrating JavaScript and the React Framework
    • Welcome to Week 1 of the Advanced Django: Advanced Django Rest Framework course. These assignments cover integrating JavaScript into your Django project. You will assignments on the fundamentals of JavaScript, promises, and React. The module ends with graded coding exercises.