Adjectives and Adjective Clauses

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  • Welcome
    • This is the second course in the Learn English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. Here, you will learn all about adjectives and adjective clauses. These are very important for making your sentences interesting and more complex. In this course, you'll learn the rules for using adjectives and adjective clauses correctly.
  • Adjectives and Adjective Phrases
    • In the first module, you will review what adjectives are and how to use them correctly in English. Then you'll learn about adjective phrases. You'll have plenty of chances to practice this material.
  • Adjective Clauses
    • In this module, you will learn about adjective clauses. Like adjectives and adjective phrases, adjective clauses describe or modify nouns. You will learn what an adjective clause looks like and how to use them correctly to make your sentences more complex.
  • More Adjective Clauses
    • Now, you'll learn about some other common types of adjective clauses. Keep in mind what you already know as it will help you learn these new structures.
  • Reduced Adjective Clauses and Appositives
    • In this last module, you will learn a different way to use adjective clauses. It is different but very common and, therefore, important.