3D CAD Fundamental

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Acerca de este curso

  • Initiation: Prepare for the class
    • This module includes the course syllabus, grading policy and tips to learn Sketchup well. It also includes the first step of learning, installation of Sketchup.
  • Magic Cube: familiar with [Line], [Divide], [Push/Pull], [Tape Measure] and [Guides]
    • Here comes the first example, magic cube. The purpose of this module is to help learners be familiar with basic tools in Sketchup, including [Line], [Divide], [Push/Pull], [Tape Measure] and [Guides]. In this module, we will start drawing a cube, then reformed it into steps by using [Divide], create another cube by using [Push/Pull], and finally make a hole on the cube by combining [Push/Pull], [Tape Measure] and [Guides].
  • Toy House: familiar with [Move] and [Arcs]
    • The second example, toy house is designed for learners to be familiar with [Move] and [Arcs]. Inclined roof is a highlight in the example. Learners will understand how to add objects not perpendicular to the reference surface. The module also includes the methods of using [Arcs].
  • Beach Ball: familiar with [Circle], [Follow me], [Rotate] and [Paint Bucket]
    • The third example, Beach ball is designed for learners to be familiar with [Circle], [Follow me], [Rotate] and [Paint Bucket]. Learners will understand how to draw a sphere using [Circle] and [Follow Me], how to use [Rotate] and [Copy] to draw the surface of the sphere and how to use selection tricks to delete all the unnecessary planes. The module also includes the methods of using [Paint bucket] to finish the beach ball.
  • Curtain: familiar with [Scale], [Arcs], [Copy] and [Mirror]
    • Here comes the fourth example. This module, curtain, includes more decoration skills. Learners will learn how to create deformations on the curtain by combining [Move], [Measurements box] and [Scale], and how to decorate it by using [Mirror] and [Soften effect].
  • Solid Tool: familiar with [Subtract], [Union], [Intersect] and [Split]
    • The last example is coming! This module, solid tool, is designed for learners to be familiar with [Subtract], [Union], [Intersect] and [Split]. Learners will learn how to create different shaped objects, by using one object to add or remove a piece of volume to another object.
  • Closure: Review and preview
    • This module includes course review and a short introduction of next course: 3D CAD Application.