Translating Basic Research into Research for Humans

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Acerca de este curso

  • Week 1
    • Welcome to Week 1 of Translating Basic Research into Research for Humans. This week you will learn how to 1) identify key differences between basic science research and clinical research, and 2) describe the role of animals in the research process.
  • Week 2
    • Welcome to Week 2 of Translating Basic Research into Research for Humans. This week you will learn how to 1) describe potential career paths for basic science researchers, 2) identify team roles for research conducted in the T1 stage of translational science, and 3) describe the types of career development awards available for translational research education.
  • Week 3
    • Welcome to Week 3 of Translating Basic Research into Research for Humans. This week you will learn how to 1) explain the process of translating the outcomes of basic science research into improvements in human health, and 2) explain how T1 research is associated with T2 and T3/T4 research.