Transformational Leadership for Inclusive Innovation

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Acerca de este curso

  • Gender Analytics in your organization
    • Gender Analytics should not be an “add-on,” a checkbox or an afterthought. To fully realize the value of intersectional gender-based insights, you need to know how to embed Gender Analytics in everything an organization does. In this week, you will hear experts share how gender-based analysis has created opportunities for impact and transformation in business, non-profit organizations and government policy making. You will see that conducting Gender Analytics is essential in all aspects of work, even in the most extreme budget crunches, and that its application will require transformational leadership and organizational change.
  • Influence and change
    • Globally, there is a rising demand for greater equity and for amplification of experiences that have not been listened to in traditional institutional and organizational structures. In this module, you will build an inventory of leadership skills to influence change in your organization by working with different types of actors humanely, respectfully, and ethically. We will focus on how you can get out of your comfort zone in order to become a more effective leader.
  • Leveraging diverse teams
    • Decades of research show that socially diverse teams are more innovative than homogeneous groups. Managing diverse teams that reflect the diversity of stakeholders is essential to doing Gender Analytics effectively. In this module, you will see how leaders can build and leverage diverse teams through an overview of research and theory on diversity, organizational culture, and organizational behavior. By the end of the week, you will know how to build more diverse teams and get the most out of them.
  • Being a change agent
    • Transformational leadership is about impact. Gender Analytics adds an essential lens to leadership work that allows you to connect and empathize with a variety of stakeholders. In this week, you will learn to build specific tools that help you go from intellectual acceptance to gain credibility for critical analysis and enable meaningful change.