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The Rooseveltian Century

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Acerca de este curso

  • Introduction
    • This module focuses on the foundational elements of this course. It explores the biographies of the 3Rs, their public achievements, and what motivated them to become the major public figures that we recognise today. The overall learning goal is to make students aware of the connections between the bios of the 3Rs and the rise of the U.S. as a global power in the twentieth century.
  • Security
    • This module focuses on the concept of security and how each of the Roosevelts understood it and defined it in their own way. Students will learn the distinction between national, social, and human security and will assess the influence of the 3Rs in expanding the meaning of security and how we use the word today.
  • Equality
    • This module focuses on the concepts of equality and social justice. Students will learn to identify how the 3Rs contributed to the promotion of social, political and economic equality and will be able to recognize their most lasting achievements in securing equality and social justice in the United States and around the world.
  • Freedom
    • This module focuses on the ideas and ideals of freedom that the 3Rs promoted throughout their lives. Students will see how the 3Rs put forward a multi-dimensional understanding of freedom, covering many different rights and liberties.
  • Legacies
    • This module focuses on the Rooseveltian legacy. Students will learn to recognize the innovative elements that the 3Rs brought to modern-day politics, and how their legacies live on through their particular skills and achievements as political campaigners, administrative innovators, popular mobilisers, multi-media communicators, and wide-ranging reformers.