The Marketing Plan

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  • Analysis
    • Welcome to the analysis section of The Marketing Plan course. Here you will principally learn the basics of marketing and reinforce anything you have previously learned on this very broad discipline. Then, you will learn how to set objectives and what type of objectives you should include in your plan. You will also be introduced to the Nissan Leaf case - a case that we will refer to frequently throughout the course, and one you may use for your weekly assignments.
  • Marketing Strategy
    • Welcome to the marketing strategy part of the course. Here, you will learn how to identify the best target segment for your brand, product or service and also how to position your company in order to best reach them. You will also begin to understand the benefits and drawbacks of trying to attract new customers or retain existing ones.
  • Marketing Mix Implementation
    • Welcome to the third part of The Marketing Plan - the marketing mix implementation. This is the action phase. Here, you will use the lessons learned in modules one and two to decide where you are going to invest your time and money, in regards to marketing. You will become familiar with the 4 P's of marketing and also learn how to effectively price your product or service. Finally, you will begin to understand which channel or combination of channels are best suited to marketing your brand.
  • Expected results
    • Welcome to the final part of The Marketing Plan course - the expected results. Here, you will use metrics to make realistic estimates to how successful your marketing plan has been. This is document that will be used to test whether or not your marketing plan has been successful in the future. You will, most importantly, learn how to produce a profit and loss account, which will predict, and ultimately judge, the financial success of your marketing strategy and implementation.