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The Growth Mindset

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  • Getting Started and Foundations of Growth Mindset
    • In this module, you will be able to define and discuss the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. You will be able to identify your own mindset given a situation or arena and measure your baseline. You will be able to use a process to help shift your mindset and examine the benefits and characteristics of having a growth mindset. You'll discuss where growth mindset fits in the workplace.
  • Internal & External Roadblocks to Growth Mindset
    • In this module, you will be able to identify both internal and external roadblocks to the growth mindset. You will discover myths of the growth mindset and begin to identify your own limiting beliefs. You will be able to examine and reframe negative statements caused from your limiting beliefs. You will apply a no negative self-talk rule and be able to overcome the comparison trap syndrome.
  • Organizational Mindset - Deep Dive
    • In this module, you will be able to define organizational mindset and compare and contrast the differences between a fixed mindset organization and a growth mindset organization. You will discover the organizational culture depending on the type of mindset. You will help foster a growth mindset within your organization and identify the qualities that lead to a growth mindset. You will be able to recognize the type of mindset at the leadership level within an organization and apply best practices for growth mindset at the workplace. You will be able discuss the positivity quotient and how it impacts your team. You will be able to foster a culture of collaboration versus group think and be able to successfully navigate change with a growth mindset.
  • Dealing With Setbacks and Failures
    • In this module, you will be able to overcome the perfectionist syndrome. You will be able to identify how your mindset will show up. You will be able to practice the five-minute pity party and apply a growth mindset to move forward. You will be able to reframe a situation and make it redemptive. You will be able to apply best practices to giving and receiving feedback and be able to identify that there is a balance to practicing a mindset.