The Art of Sales - Course 3: Let's Fall In Love

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Week 1: Presenting with Panache
In Week 1 we will look at what makes a presentation magnetic. Many of us find ourselves giving presentations in various forms and speaking to groups. The frequency of presenting increases as we move through our career. We will look more broadly at what makes up a successful presentation, and the key elements that set it apart from an average presentation.

Week 2: Will You Marry Me?
Closing a deal is not as scary as many people make it out to be. How do you do close without feeling awkward or coming across as manipulative? We will challenge the notion that closing is a technique that salespeople have to learn.

Week 3: Falling in Love with Brand You
As salespeople, we must care as much about post-sale discipline and skill as we do the sale itself. This requires entirely new skills and disciplines. So once you’ve won the customer, how do you get them to fall in love?