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The Age of Sustainable Development

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Acerca de este curso

  • Course Materials
    • Information about the general course structure and reading list can be found here.
  • What is Sustainable Development?
    • Professor Sachs provides an overview of the challenges the world faces, and introduces the topic of sustainable development.
  • Inequality Around the World
    • Professor Sachs delves into the reasons for and the measurements of inequality between and within countries.
  • A Short History of Economic Development
    • Professor Sachs provides a history of economic development, starting with the Industrial Revolution and ending with the current state of modern economic growth.
  • The History of Inequality
    • Professor Sachs analyzes the intersecting roles of various factors that contribute to some countries advancing while others do not.
  • The MDGs and the End of Extreme Poverty
    • Professor Sachs outlines the pathways for achieving the end of extreme poverty.
  • Growth within Planetary Boundaries
    • Professor Sachs details the various planetary boundaries and their implications for growth dynamics.
  • Human Rights and Gender Equality
    • Professor Sachs delves into the ethics of wealth, poverty and inequality as well as the forces that widen inequalities.
  • Education
    • Professor Sachs provides an overview of the state of modern education, and what needs to be achieved for sustainable development.
  • Universal Health Coverage
    • Professor Sachs provides an overview of the challenges and pathways to achieving universal health coverage.
  • Sustainable Food Supply and the End of Hunger
    • Professor Sachs provides an overview of food security, farm systems, and ecology and reviews what can be done to achieve a sustainable global food supply.
  • Sustainable Cities
    • Professor Sachs looks into what makes a city sustainable, the patterns of urbanization, and pathways for urban resilience around the world.
  • Curbing Climate Change
    • Professor Sachs provides an introduction to the science behind climate change, and describes the negotiations and policies that are necessary to mitigate and prevent the consequences.
  • Saving Biodiversity
    • Professor Sachs reviews the various threats to the world's ecosystem and biodiversity.
  • The SDGs
    • Professor Sachs recounts the history of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and describes what is necessary to achieve them.