Teaching Impacts of Technology in K-12 Education

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Course 1: Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals
- Offered by University of California San Diego. In this course you’ll focus on the fundamentals of teaching the impacts of technology, ... Enroll for free.

Course 2: Teaching Impacts of Technology: Data Collection, Use, and Privacy
- Offered by University of California San Diego. In this course you’ll focus on how constant data collection and big data analysis have ... Enroll for free.

Course 3: Teaching Impacts of Technology: Relationships
- Offered by University of California San Diego. In this course you’ll focus on how “smart” devices have changed how we interact with others ... Enroll for free.

Course 4: Teaching Impacts of Technology: Workplace of the Future
- Offered by University of California San Diego. In this course you’ll focus on how the Internet has enabled new careers and changed ... Enroll for free.

Course 5: Teaching Impacts of Technology: Global Society
- Offered by University of California San Diego. In this course you’ll focus on how technology-enabled communication is changing geopolitics ... Enroll for free.

Course 6: Capstone Project: Teaching Impacts of Technology
- Offered by University of California San Diego. In this project-based course you’ll review the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles ... Enroll for free.