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Strategic Self-Marketing and Personal Branding

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Acerca de este curso

  • M1 Marketing and Branding the Skilled (Professional) Self
    • The first lesson, "Specialization at a Glance," walks you through all stages of career self-management training and certification, giving you a bird's-eye view of the specialization. If you've already taken other courses in the specialization, you can either skip this lesson or skim through it quickly to refresh your memory. The second lesson provides an overview of the current Course 3 "Strategic Self-Marketing and Personal Branding." In the third lesson, we describe our approach to marketing and branding the Skilled (Professional) Self. You will also begin working in your Career Development / Skills Management Lab. Amy Giaculli and Professor Val Chukhlomin are your instructors for this course and this week.
  • M2 Self-Marketing Strategies and Tactics
    • Welcome to Module Two! In this Module, you will learn how to effectively market yourself in a skills-based job market using the theory and practice of professional marketing services. You will implement strategic marketing planning tools, such as the marketing communications mix, for your individual career development. You will also create your own strategic self-marketing plan and devise strategies for communicating it to prospective employers. As a result, you will be better able to demonstrate your mastery of job-related and personal skills. Amy Giaculli and Professor Val Chukhlomin, your instructors for this course and this week, are joined by Dr. John Beckem.
  • M3 Personal Branding Strategies and Tactics
    • We are now in Week 3! You will learn how to implement human branding for professional growth and transformation based on your skill mastery during this week. You will comprehend how constructing a professional image contributes to establishing a strong career brand, develop strategies for managing professional reputation, and acquire a deeper comprehension of impression management. In addition, you will continue to work on your plan for self-promotion and personal branding. This week's guest lecturer is Dr. Michele Forte.
  • M4 Putting It All Together: Self-Administered Training Interventions
    • We are now in Week 4! During this week, you will create a system for future self-coaching and self-monitoring of your self-marketing activities. Then, you will concentrate on organizing digital artifact presentations to demonstrate your skill mastery. You will also engage in self-promotional interventions and seek out peer feedback. You will finish the course by completing the final survey and the final assessment. We would like to thank you for completing the course and hope that you are able to utilize the various tools and skills you have acquired. Our guest lecturer for this week is Dr. John Beckem. Also, we will introduce AmyLee, a generated career development personal assistant. We want you to get used to personal assistants like AmyLee. In the following course, personal assistants will be playing a central role.