Skills for Working as an AWS Cloud Consultant

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  • Thinking as a Cloud Consultant
    • Module one starts by answering a couple of fundamental questions: What is a cloud consultant, and what do they do? You explore the basic functions of this role to help you decide if being a cloud consultant is a job you’d like to pursue. In addition, you learn about critical thinking and analytical skills, which are important to the business world and for cloud consultants. You explore what they are, how to develop them, and some strategies that you can employ on your next business project.
  • Designing Solutions and Managing Projects
    • In module two, you take on the role of a cloud consultant who is working with a customer. You start the module by walking through a common project for a cloud consultant: migrating a workload from an on-premises data center to AWS. During this process, you learn about the types of meetings that you might experience, and the different types of job functions that you might perform in the organization. By the end of the module, you should have a solid understanding of the different tasks and activities that a cloud consultant might do in their workday.
  • Managing Relationships
    • Module three focuses on building and maintaining business relationships. In business, who you know can be as important as what you know. In this module, you focus on building and maintaining a network of professional connections. In addition to networking, it’s important for you to develop your own professional brand. To that end, you also explore how you can establish your brand and maintain a positive image in the business world.
  • Building your Career
    • In module four, you explore how you can continuously improve your skill set. Because business is always changing, you should also consider how you can keep evolving your skills. You learn how to create a plan to develop your skills and work on addressing your weaknesses. As you develop new skills, it’s important to manage your time and make the most out of what you have. At the end of the module, you learn the principles behind designing effective resumes, and then you go hands-on to review and update your own resume.