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Single Variable Calculus

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Acerca de este curso

  • A Calculus for Sequences
    • It's time to redo calculus! Previously, all the calculus we have done is meant for functions with a continuous input and a continuous output. This time, we are going to retool calculus for functions with a discrete input. These are sequences, and they will occupy our attention for this last segment of the course. This first module will introduce the tools and terminologies for discrete calculus.
  • Introduction to Numerical Methods
    • That first module might have seemed a little...strange. It was! In this module, however, we will put that strangeness to good use, by giving a very brief introduction to the vast subjects of numerical analysis, answering such questions as "how do we approximate solutions to differential equations?" and "how do we approximate definite integals?" Perhaps unsurprisingly, Taylor expansion plays a pivotal role in these approximations.
  • Series and Convergence Tests
    • In "ordinary" calculus, we have seen the importance (and challenge!) of improper integrals over unbounded domains. Within discrete calculus, this converts to the problem of infinite sums, or series. The determination of convergence for such will occupy our attention for this module. I hope you haven't forgotten your big-O notation --- you are going to need it!
  • Power and Taylor Series
    • This course began with an exploration of Taylor series -- an exploration that was, sadly, not as rigorous as one would like. Now that we have at our disposal all the tests and tools of discrete and continuous calculus, we can finally close the loop and make sense of what we've been doing when we Talyor-expand. This module will cover power series in general, from we which specify to our beloved Taylor series.
  • Concluding Single Variable Calculus
    • Are we at the end? Yes, yes, we are. Standing on top of a high peak, looking back down on all that we have climbed together. Let's take one last look down and prepare for what lies above.