Segment your market using factor analysis with R programming

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If you ever thought of starting a new business or launching a new product, you’d probably already asked yourself: which type of products are the customers ordering? What type of competition are the products facing in this market? To answer these questions objectively, you can apply Factor Analysis to identify how many and which are the segments in your market. When a company organizes its product line to cover all the attractive market segments and to avoid product overlapping, profitability is more secure. By the end of this project, you will create a market segmentation by applying Q-type Factor Analysis with R Programming. This guided project is for Business and/or Economics students, entrepreneurs, marketing analysts and anyone else interested in improving product planning and trading strategies by applying quantitative methods to support the decision making process. The prerequisites are familiarity with the concepts of market segmentation, multivariate analysis and R programming.

This Guided Project was created by a Coursera community member.