Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19

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  • Introduction to Science Matters: Let's talk about COVID-19
    • Join us to learn more about the science underpinning the analyses of the novel coronavirus pandemic, now referred to as COVID-19.
  • COVID-19 Situation Reports: Updates on the Ongoing State of the Epidemic
    • This module will include regular updates about the current state of the epidemic from the leading researchers of the Jameel Institute and the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis (MRC GIDA), including Prof Neil Ferguson. Don't forget to check out the Sit.Reps discussion forum.
  • How to Forecast an Epidemic: Epidemiology and Infectious Disease Modelling
    • This module will cover a number of the essential principles of epidemiology and infectious disease modelling. You will hear from our experts who will explain the basic reproductive number is used to understand transmissibility, about how the case fatality rate is estimated, how phylogenetic analysis can be used to understand the epidemiology of COVID 19 and about the relative sensitivity of international COVID-19 surveillance. Don't forget to check out this module's discussion forum.
  • Health Systems and Economic Impacts
    • This module covers a number of the principles of health systems and health economics within the context of epidemics. You will learn about capacity planning, and the concepts of efficiency and opportunity cost in economics and be able to apply these concepts using the Jameel Institute Pandemic Hospital Planner tool, found in the further learning section. In addition to this, you will learn about how indicators are used to measure emergency preparedness globally, and what can be learned from past experiences of healthcare financing during the response to the Ebola epidemic in west Africa. You will also have the opportunity to learn what the indirect effects of epidemics can be, and about their importance in emergency responses. Finally, you will receive insight into the structures of government and how they respond to emergencies. At the end of this module you will be invited to participate in a peer-reviewed assignment, where you will apply the concepts and insights covered to analyse a health system of your choosing.
  • Community Engagement and Response
    • This module will cover the importance of community engagement, drawing on lessons learned from previous outbreaks such as Ebola. You will also learn about the impact of misinformation ‘infodemics’. As part of this interactive module, you’ll be invited to answer questions on your experience during the pandemic and see how your experience compares with your fellow learners. Don't forget to check out this module's discussion forum.
  • The Virology of COVID-19
    • In this module, we’ll discuss the virology of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. We will cover the general structure of the virus, its genetics and its process of replication. We will also find out how the biological characteristics of the virus are related to its risk of causing a pandemic, and what kind of diagnostic tools are used to identify it.
  • The Clinical Presentations of COVID-19
    • In this module, we’ll discuss the clinical aspects of COVID-19 from diagnosis of mild symptoms to how it manifests in the lungs and throughout the body in more severe illness. You will learn about a range of treatments for COVID-19 and early research results. You will also have the opportunity to discuss what you learned in a forum and to engage in further reading.
  • Summary Module
    • This session is being created in real time as the epidemic unfolds. This section will be updated with up to date materials once they become available.