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Regression Analysis

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    Guía de Registro en Coursera

Acerca de este curso

  • Introduction to Regression and Linear Regression
    • This week provides an introduction to regression analysis as a powerful supervised learning method. You will delve into the concepts of linear regression, understanding its principles, assumptions, and practical applications.
  • Polynomial Regression
    • This week you will explore polynomial regression, an advanced technique used to capture nonlinear relationships between variables.
  • Regularization
    • This week focuses on regularization techniques, including Ridge, Lasso, and Elastic Net, which help prevent overfitting and improve the generalization of regression models.
  • Evaluation and Cross Validation
    • Throughout this week, you will explore evaluation metrics and cross-validation techniques to assess and optimize regression model performance.
  • Ensemble Methods
    • This week explores ensemble methods in regression analysis, including bagging and boosting, to combine multiple models for improved prediction accuracy.
  • Case Study
    • The final week focuses on a comprehensive case study where you will apply regression analysis to solve a real-world problem.