Real-Time Mission-Critical Systems Design

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Acerca de este curso

  • Device I/O interfaces and Drivers for Real-time Systems
    • This module covers RTES software to hardware interface using device abstraction and driver interfaces as well as system scaling.
  • Fault Tolerant Memory and Storage for Mission Critical Systems
    • This module covers use of key algorithms such as error correct codes, redundant arrays of devices, and use of flash file systems with persistent memory.
  • Solving performance and reliability defects in real-time systems
    • Service software implementation efficiency and optimization methods are covered so that computations can be completed by deadlines. Methods of profiling and tracing applications as well as the whole system are covered.
  • Difference between high availability and high reliability for hard and soft real-time systems
    • This module integrates fault tolerant and recovery methods with overall strategies for system level fault detection, isolation and recovery. Design with consideration of failure modes and effects analysis is covered along with redundancy management for high availability.